Sandrine Arons
Sandrine is a French/American visual artist currently living in Marseille, France. Her photography is a reflection on identity, originating from her graduate studies on autobiographical writings for her degrees in Psychology and French Literature.
She has always had a deep interest in all types of personal expression as a way of self-reflection. Before writing her dissertation on 20th century French writers, she wrote her Master’s thesis on journal writing and self-growth for her degree in Humanistic Psychology. She also has a Master in Fine Arts in Photography from the Savannah College of Art and Design where her thesis work focused on her personal experience of being multicultural and the visual representation of that inner landscape.
Her focus in all disciplines has been on identity, self-knowledge and self-understanding with a particular interest on identity fragmentation as regards gender and multiculturalism and how these issues are manifested and confronted in autobiography. The photographs from her different series’ are personal explorations of her experiences of multiculturalism, motherhood and womanhood.
Sandrine Arons / CV
2016 MFA. Photography, Savannah College of Art and Design
2009 M.A. French Languages and Literature, Univ. of Pittsburgh
1997 M.A. Psychology, University of West Georgia
1995 B.A. French and Psychology, University of West Georgia
Recent Employment
- 2019-present- Exhibition Chair, Women’s Caucus for Art of Georgia.
- 2016-2018 – Perimeter College at Georgia State University. (French Instructor)
Rencontres photographiques de Cassis, Cassis, France
One Earth/One Chance, Georgia State University, Perimeter Campus, Clarkston, GA.
What About Us?, APG Photo Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
Choice, APG Photo Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
Perspectives: Cornerstone Bank Gallery, Decatur, GA.
Human Trafficking: The Battle Continues, Shambhala Meditation Center of Atlanta
Surfaces, LoosenArt Int’l Group Exhibition, Millepiani Exhibition Space, Rome, Italy.
UPA Group Exhibition, Florida Museum of Photographic Arts, Tampa.
Tell Me About It, Sycamore Place Gallery, Decatur, GA.
UPA Gallery International Exhibit, Artemesia, Art & Tendències, Barcelona, Spain
Art as Sanctuary, Jim Cherry Media Center, GA. State University/Perimeter College
Walls, Jewish Cultural Center, Chattanooga, TN.
Art of Protest, Sycamore Place Gallery, Decatur, GA.
Our Nature, Jim Cherry Media Center, GA. State University/Perimeter College
46/21:46 Million Slaves-21st Century. Mammal Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
Revealing the Real, APG Photo Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
Small Works, APG Photo Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
TULA Open Studios, Tula Art Complex-H2M Studio, Atlanta, GA.
Open Studio 2015, SCAD Atlanta, Atlanta, GA
MoCA GA, Pin-Up Show, Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia, Atlanta, GA.
I Am…, H2M Studio-Tula Arts Center, Atlanta, GA.
Mark, Lyndon House Arts Center, Athens, GA.
SPE Combined Caucus Exhibition, Univ. of Central Florida Gallery, Orlando, FL.
SPE Combined Caucus Exhibition, Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans
Gathered, MoCA GA. Atlanta, GA.
APG Pushpin Show, Atlanta Photography Group Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
Frontiers: A Multicultural Journey in Photographs, Further Polycontemporary Gallery, Atlanta, GA. (Solo)
YES MA’AM: “21 Days of Giving” Fundraiser, JLE Loft, Atlanta, GA. (Invited)
Open Studio 2014, SCAD, Atlanta, GA.
MoCA GA Pin-Up Show, MoCA GA. Atlanta, GA.
Tula Open Studios, Tula Arts Complex, Atlanta, GA.
Juxtapose, Darkroom Gallery, Essex Junction, VT.
Fresh Blood 2014, Mason Murer Fine Art Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
BIG Print Show, (APG) Atlanta Photography Group Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
LaGrange National XXVIII., Lamar Dodd Art Center, LaGrange, GA.
Girl: continued…The Legacy of Francesca Woodman, SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah, GA. (Invited)
Barbara Griffin Selects, (APG) Atlanta Photography Group Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
Open Studio 2013, SCAD, Atlanta, GA.
Blue Shoes Collective, Big House Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
Exposure 2013, See.Me Gallery, New York.
Georgia Artists Selecting Georgia Artists, MOCA GA, Atlanta, GA.
SCAD Seen Gala 2013, SCAD, Atlanta, GA. (Invited)
Mysterious Visions: Dreams, Fantasies and Mirages,
PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, Vt.
Silver and Ink, Dewberry Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
Punctum, Big House Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
Sidewalk Radio, Atlanta History Center, Atlanta, GA.
Open Studio 2012, SCAD, Atlanta, GA.
Fresh Blood, Mason Murer, Atlanta, GA
SCAD Seen Gala, Gallery See, SCAD, Atlanta, GA.
Silver and Ink, Dewberry Gallery, Atlanta, GA.
Nature, Undisturbed 2012,
Dogwood Gallery, Tyrone, GA. (Honorable Mention)
DeFine Art 2012, SCAD, Atlanta, GA. (Invited)
On the Road: Travel Photography, PhotoPlace Gallery online annex
SHOTS 11, Showcase School of Photography, Atlanta, GA. (Best of Show)
Open Studio 2011, SCAD, Atlanta, GA.
Photo Publications
- CIRCLE Quarterly Art Review, Spring (upcoming)
- Music Paints My Picture: Integrating Music Composition and Visual Arts, Adriana Janse van Rensburg Ph.D, Dec. 2014
- Juxtapose (exhibition catalogue), Dark Room Gallery, VT.
- Mysterious Visions: Dreams, Fantasies and Mirages (exhibition catalogue), PhotoPlace Gallery, VT.
- SCAN Magazine, Fall Issue
- PDNedu 2012, Spring Issue
- On the Road: Travel Photography (exhibition catalogue), PhotoPlace Gallery, VT
- Flux 2011: A Night of Art and Experimentation, (ed. Mcmullin, F, Phipps, S.)
Online Presence
UPA Gallery (
Lens Culture (
WCAGA: Art + Activism (
ViewBug (
Dodho Magazine (
Interviews / Blog Posts
WCAGA Interview (2018) (
WCAGA Featured Artist (2016) (
IllegalRealm Interview (2015) (
Awards and Selections
2018 ArtsyShark, Artist Showcase
2016 Summer Selection Award,
2016 Member Selection Award,
2014 Student Scholarship Award, (SPE) Society for Photographic Education
2012 Grand Prize, Travel and Landscape, PDNedu 2012 Contest, Spring Issue
2011 Honorable Mention, Nature Undisturbed, Dogwood Gallery
Best of Show, Shots 11, Showcase School of Photography
Photography Internships
2014 Atlanta Photography Group
2013 Teaching Internship at SCAD, Documentary Photography I
• Zelfttharpie door persoonlijke geschriften – Dagboeken en moires van holocaustslachtoffers in COGISCOPE 0406, Utrecht (Ed. Rianne Hejimans, Tom de Ridder) Stichting Cogis, Utrecht. 2006. (Dutch Translation)
• Self-Therapy through Personal Writing: A Study of Holocaust Victim’s Diaries and Memoirs in The Impact of War Trauma on Civilians: An International Perspective, (Ed. Krippner, Stanley). Greenwood Publishing, 2003.
2013 “Frontiers: Presentation of ongoing thesis work”, Grad Salon Invited Speaker, SCAD Atlanta.
2007 “Losing Weight/Losing Self”, International Conference on Human Science Research, Rovereto, Italy. June.
2003 “Heuristic Research”, Invited Speaker for Qualitative Research Course, University of West Georgia.
2002 “The Structure of the Father-Daughter Relationship: A Qualitative Study”, International Conference on Human Science Research, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. June.
2001 “The Future of the Present in Holocaust Writing”, International Conference on Human Science Research, Tokyo, Japan. August.
2001 “Out of the Shadows: Restorations of Self through Holocaust Diaries and Memoirs”, French and Italian Graduate Seminar, University of Pittsburgh, PA. March.
1998 “Journal Writings as a Method for Self-Growth and Understanding”, International Conference on Human Science Research, Sitka, Alaska. June.
Teaching Positions
- 2016-2018 Perimeter College at Georgia State University.
- 2004-2007 Université de Paris X-Nanterre, France.
- 1999-2003 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Grants, Scholarships and Service
• Multicultural Scholarship
• Academic Scholarship
• Graduate Student Representative, Dept. of French and Italian
• Travel Grant, Graduate Student Organization
• Travel Grant, Center for West European Studies
• Travel Grant, Center for Jewish Studies
• Tuition Scholarship, Center for West European Studies
• Provost Development Fund Research Grant
• Teaching Fellowship, Dept. of French and Italian
• ENGLISH: Native Fluency
• FRENCH: Native Fluency
• SPANISH: Intermediate
• ITALIAN: Reading Knowledge